Thank the lord for topknots and peg leg trousers! I was also certainly appreciative of the respite in the big freeze today. No ice on the windscreen and lack of frosty floors for outdoor outfit pics always make for a happier morning. Due to the third day of Batiste hair i have been left with no alternative than rocking a topknot. I heart the topknot so this is not a stretch for me, although i did let that kind of dictate the outfit. I think these Topshop peg leg trousers with their huuuuuge pockets are along the same sloppy relaxed look and set off a topknot. I carried on this slouchy theme with this Topshop jersey batwing charcoal grey top which i haven't actually worn to work before as deemed it too casual but thought my new eBay necklace and some electric blue colour pop suede heels from New Look would redeem this look from weekend to relaxed office. I realised i babbled on in yesterday's post so am attempting to keep this short and sweet..x Talia
p.s Need to start including my outerwear so novice pic ←here. I was in a horrendous location so have blacked/whited it out. Leather jacket, Zara. Extra long chunky knit scarf, Burton...x
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